how safe is your company from cyberthreats?

After submitting this Risk Assessment Survey we’ll have a representative contact you to calmly discuss insights into your cybersecurity strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations for an action plan to counter future cyber risk. Namaste!

"*" indicates required fields

Yes No Not Sure

Does your company have a formal password policy enforcing password length, complexity and account lockout after too many login failures?

1. Does your company have a formal password policy enforcing password length, complexity and account lockout after too many login failures?*

Does your company require the use of MFA (multi-factor authentication) with Microsoft Office 365?

2. Does your company require the use of MFA (multi-factor authentication) with Microsoft Office 365?*

Is your inbound email scanned for malware, spam and phishing attempts?

3. Is your inbound email scanned for malware, spam and phishing attempts?*

Do you allow users to access your corporate network remotely and do you enforce the use of VPN for secure access?

4. Do you allow users to access your corporate network remotely and do you enforce the use of VPN for secure access? 5. Does your current backup solution provide rapid recovery from a cyber event?*

Does your current backup solution provide rapid recovery from a cyber event?

5. Does your current backup solution provide rapid recovery from a cyber event?*